The ceremony of handing over mosquito nets donated to Infanta Malaria Prevention Foundation (IMPF) of Ghana by the government of People's Republic of China took place in Accra on November 15th, 2006. The ceremony was performed jointly by Mrs. Akufo-Addo, the chairman of IMPF of Ghana and H. E. Mr. Zhang Keyuan, Ambassador of the People's Republic of China to Ghana.
In his remarks at the ceremony, H.E. Mr. Zhang expressed his wishes that these mosquito nets could help Ghanaians prevent malaria and strengthen the friendship between China and Ghana. He also reiterated the Chinese President Hu Jintao's the 8 steps to forge a new type of China-Africa strategic partnership and strengthen the cooperation in more areas and at a high level in his speech at the Beijing Summit & Third Ministerial Conference of Forum on China-Africa Cooperation. He assured the audience that more and more malaria prevention and treatment centers will be built, and anti-malaria medicines supplied by the Chinese government in the future.
In response, Mrs. Akufo-Addo expressed appreciation to the Chinese Embassy for the assistance and called for a closer relationship between the IMPF and the Chinese Embassy. She also expressed gratitude to the Chinese government for the assistance and gave the assurance that the mosquito nets would be distributed to the poor people for free. She hoped that more support from Chinese government on malaria prevention will be lent to Ghana.