On 2 August 2016, the Chinese Embassy to Ghana held an introduction conference on studying in China for the Ghanaian winners of the Chinese Government Scholarship for 2016 academic year. Political Counselor Mr. Wang Sheng attended the conference and delivered a speech. President of China Ghana Graduate Association Mr. Charles Easmon, Chinese diplomats from the consular office and political section of the Embassy and 35 winners of the Chinese Government Scholarship attended the conference.
In his speech, Political Counselor Mr. Wang Sheng extended congratulations to the Ghanaian students who obtained the Chinese Government Scholarship and briefed them the basic information about how the Ghanaian students are doing in China. He indicated that the people-to-people exchanges between the two countries have become increasingly close and hoped that the Ghanaian students can make contributions to the educational exchanges and cooperation of the two countries and aspire to be the ambassadors of friendship between China and Ghana. He also distributed the admission letters to every Ghanaian winners of the Chinese Governmental Scholarship, encouraged them to study hard in China, make progress and contribute to the construction of Ghana.
Consular Mrs Cao Xinyue described the procedures and required papers for visa application and residence permit in China in details. Mr Zhang Yi introduced the conditions and procedure of transfer service for foreign students on their arrival in Beijing. President of China Ghana Graduate Association Mr. Charles Easmon shared his experience when studied in China with the Ghanaian students present and reminded them to adhere to the Chinese law and regulations.
The conference was in a lively atmosphere. The diplomats of the Chinese Embassy patiently answered to the questions brought up by the Ghanaian students, who had high expectation of studying in China.