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Chinese Ambassador to Ghana H.E. Mdm. Sun Baohong published a signed article in Daily Graphic to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the victory of Chinese People's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and the World Anti-Fascists War

On 28 August 2015, Chinese Ambassador to Ghana H.E. Mdm. Sun Baohong published a signed article titled "Working hand in hand for lasting peace of the world" in Daily Graphic, the largest newspaper of Ghana, to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the victory of Chinese People's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and the World Anti-Fascists War. The full text reads as follows:


Working hand in hand for lasting peace of the world

By Sun Baohong

Last June, the Chinese Embassy in Ghana hosted the Chinese Film Festival in Accra Mall to celebrate the 55th anniversary of the establishment of China-Ghana diplomatic ties. Out of the 9 movies, a film named The Flowers of War, which narrated a story against the background of the War of Chinese People's Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, has plunged the previously bustling movie hall into sustained silence. The Ghanaian audience present, while watching the 13 Chinese women's departure to a foreseeable end of their lives by the Japanese aggressors' military truck, couldn't help weeping.

War is a bitter memory for all human beings. The ending of the 13 Chinese women in The Flowers of War, is an epitome of the miserable fate of the over 300,000 Chinese people slaughtered in Nanjing during World War II (WWII). The Ghanaian government and faith community have always admonished that "Don't take peace for granted". I couldn't agree more. The Chinese nation has made huge sacrifices in striving for peace. 35 million Chinese soldiers and civilians died or wounded in WWII and 100 billion US dollars of direct economic loss and 500 billion US dollars of indirect economic loss, calculated at the exchange rate of 1937, was caused. Our beautiful homeland was reduced to desert, numerous families were broken, and, at large, the Chinese nation was once on the brink of extinction.

It is the arduous 14-year-long War of Chinese People's Resistance Against Japanese Aggression that tied up most of the Japanese military strength, opened the oriental main battlefield of the World Anti-Fascist War, supported the allies in strategy, coordinated strategic military actions in the European Theater and Pacific Theater, foiled the attempt of linking-up between the Japanese and German fascists, thus laying a solid foundation for the final victory of WWII and the post-war peace. This part of history should never be forgotten.

Meanwhile, it should also be engraved on our mind Ghana's contribution to the victory of WWII. Ghana, called Gold Coast back then, hosted the headquarters of the British Army's West Africa Command and marked the starting point of the West African Reinforcement Route (WARR). Besides, numerous Gold Coast warriors left their hometown, headed to faraway Burma (now called Myanmar) to join the battle against Japanese invaders and finally, together with the Chinese Expeditionary Army, wiped out the Japanese military forces at the cost of huge losses. The Burma Camp in Accra and Myohaung Barracks in Takoradi are the testimony of that part of history.

WWII, an unprecedented catastrophe in the history of human civilization engulfing more than 80 countries and regions and around 2 billion people, left behind a dilapidated world and tens of millions of casualties of both soldiers and civilians. Countless human wealth was erased from the earth. On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the victory of the World Anti-Fascist War, we should, while honoring the martyrs, work hand in hand to maintain peace, avoid recurrences of war and build a bright future for the world.

First, we should remember the history. Just as an old Chinese saying goes, "The Past, if not forgotten, is a guide for the future". To remember history is not to nurse hatred, but to learn lessons from the past and avoid the recurrences of war. 70 years after WWII, peace, development and win-win cooperation have become the prominent trend of the times. But there are still some forces trying to deny or distort the history of WWII, and to glorify militarism and fascism. All the peace-loving nations and people should be highly alert and categorically opposed to these moves. All countries should take the history as mirror and constantly embark on self-introspection. Only those who respect the history can win the future.

Second, we should defend the post-war international order. After WWII, the countries around the world, on the basis of Cairo Declaration, Potsdam Proclamation and other international legal documents, established the international order with the United Nations as its core, and the vision and principles of the  UN Charter as its cornerstone to promote justice and progress. This order has safeguarded the general peace of the world after WWII and provided a relatively stable environment for the revival and development of the war-torn world. This year also marks the 70th anniversary of the establishment of UN. We should firmly defend the principles of the UN Charter, respect the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of other countries, respect the others' rights to independently decide their development path and social system, respect the international laws and the norms governing the international relations, and respect the diversity of the world. We should support UN and UN Security Council to play its role in timely putting a halt to the conflicts and wars, and safeguarding the world peace and stability. We should never allow any country, for mere selfish interests, to intentionally challenge the victory of WWII and the post-war international order, and deliberately stir up tensions and jeopardize the regional and world peace.

Third, we should advocate a new security concept. Profound changes have taken place in contemporary world architecture, and the world is increasingly evolved into a global community of common destiny, with each has its own stake in others. Moreover, the intertwined traditional and non-traditional threats to peace makes the security issues more complicated, with which no individual country or group can cope. Taking account of the development of the situation and the overall interests of the human society, China initiates and advocates a new concept featuring common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security, winning widespread approval of the international community. All countries should make concerted efforts to jointly build a road of shared security that is win-win to all, and abandon the Cold War and zero-sum mentalities. The major countries should, in particular, strengthen cooperation, discard the mentalities of confrontation, and resolve the issues besetting the regional and world peace and development through negotiation and cooperation.

Fourth, we should build a new type of international relations underpinned by win-win cooperation. For most countries, development means the greatest security and a master key to all security issues. China is fully aware of the significance of development to peace. While adhering to the path of peaceful development, China is committed to promoting a new type of international relations featuring win-win cooperation, and to forming a network of high interdependence and mutual benefits as well as a global network of partnerships. We should advocate a new philosophy of win-win cooperation, establish a new concept of community of shared interests and common destiny, fulfill a new practice of shouldering both rights and responsibilities as well as upholding both morality and interests, pursue a new prospect of valuing one's own culture while appreciating others' cultures to harmonize all cultures, and cement the foundation for peace through balanced, win-win and inclusive development.

On 3 September 2015, China will, in commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the victory of Chinese People's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and the World Anti-Fascists War, hold grand events in Beijing with the theme of "Remember history, honor the martyrs, cherish peace and create a better future". A number of foreign state leaders will grace the occasion, watch the ceremonial parade, and celebrate this historic moment together with the Chinese people. This September, UN will also host a series of summits to celebrate its 70th birthday. The leaders of countries will gather in New York and discuss important issues bearing on world peace and development. The world is far from being trouble-free. Constant local conflicts, terrorism, natural disasters and epidemic diseases are posing threats to the life and safety of general public. We are now at the crossroads again along the history of human development, and are loaded with the expectations from the whole world to dissipate wars and conflicts and seek lasting peace. China is ready to partner with all the peace-loving countries and people, including Ghana, to work hand in hand for the lasting peace of the world and write a new chapter in promoting common prosperity and progress of the human being.

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